Company Workshop Schedule

The company workshop sessions will take place on the Wednesday and Thursday afternoons (5 & 6 June), which means there is no overlap with the elmi2024 meeting sessions, which take place each morning. There are six workshop sessions in total, with a mixture of on-stand events, product demonstrations and in-depth technical updates. These workshops are a large part of what makes elmi such a unique event.

Bookings are now closed for the company and elmi community room workshops. Sign up sheets will be available at the Help Desk if you wish to book to attend any available workshops whilst at elmi2024.

Please note: programme is subject to change.

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This page is kindly sponsored by Carl Zeiss Microscopy
Wednesday 5 June
14:30 – 15:30
The new FLUOVIEW FV4000 laser scanning microscope


A New Flexible Benchtop Microscope Range with Super-resolution Capabilities: Scaling Biology and Growing with Research Needs

Oxford Instruments Andor

Pushing Boundaries in FLIM to Enhance Efficiency, Quality and Reproducibility


Two simultaneous system demos: all-new AxL Cleared Tissue LightSheet (ASLM for ultrafast imaging of cleared specimens) and Marianas with Vector3 (spinning TIRF and photomanipulation)

3i - Intelligent Imaging Innovations

MI-SIM Revealed: Revolutionizing Live Cell Observation with Dynamic, High-Speed Super-Resolution Imaging

CSR Biotech

Are you ready to begin your dSTORM journey? An introduction to the Nanoimager and the dSTORM Training Kit


Fast and deep confocal imaging with Line REscan NL5+ B.V

Dynamics in Life: The ZEISS Lattice SIM family for Super-resolution across scales

Carl Zeiss Microscopy

TauSTED Xtend – New tools for gentle live imaging at remarkable nanoscale

Leica Microsystems

Discover the power of AX versatility with its newly developed laser solutions!

Nikon Europe BV

Expanding SMLM to the third dimension with the Bruker Vutara VXL System


Light sheet microscopy goes LightSpeed: a new era in 3D imaging with UltraMicroscope Blaze™

Miltenyi Biotec

The MPX microscope: A turn-key and versatile multimodal multiphoton platform with a 360-frontend and fully integrated fs laser

Photon Lines Ltd

abberior STED workshop: Dynamic aberration correction in STED microscopy

Abberior Instruments

Ultra-large field of view super-resolution microscopy

Chip NanoImaging

Holotomography and its X-tra way of doing label-free imaging


Image Quality Control: Automated check for imaging artifacts

SVI - Huygens Software

‘openFrame PRIMO’ – Designing and building custom microenvironments for cells through photopatterning

Cairn Research Ltd

From cells to organs with spinning disk confocal and SIM super-resolution imaging across scales

CrestOptics SpA

Amira software for light microscopy image analysis

Thermo Fisher Scientific

To serve and protect: T-cell killing assays with Livecyte, a kinder insight into immune-cell policing


Know, measure and monitor the performance of your fluorescence microscopes


Imaging workflows in OMERO


15:40 – 16:40
The new FLUOVIEW FV4000 laser scanning microscope


Dragonfly 600: From single molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) to large sample imaging

Oxford Instruments Andor

Monitoring of dynamic processes: An easy and reliable way to perform single molecule FRET and FCS measurements


Two simultaneous system demos: all-new AxL Cleared Tissue LightSheet (ASLM for ultrafast imaging of cleared specimens) and Marianas with Vector3 (spinning TIRF and photomanipulation)

3i - Intelligent Imaging Innovations

Simultaneous multi-color, quantitative and auto-calibrated TIRF imaging with the Abbelight TIRF solution


From Basics to brilliance. Using the ONi Nanoimager with the Discovery Kit: dSTORM in cells – The ultimate kit to prepare your samples for super-resolution with ease.


Cell-friendly profound 3D super resolution confocal imaging with Point REscan GAIA B.V

Dynamics in Life: Reveal & visualize molecular behaviour and interactions effortlessly

Carl Zeiss Microscopy

Image optimisation for expansion microscopy gels

Leica Microsystems

AI-Powered High Content Imaging and Analysis with Nikon's Eclipse Ji

Nikon Europe BV

The ACQUIFER IM – Workflows for Smart Microscopy, High Content Screening and Automated Photomanipulation


Light sheet microscopy goes LightSpeed: a new era in 3D imaging with UltraMicroscope Blaze™

Miltenyi Biotec

Aurox Unity: your go-to Desktop Confocal Microscope

Photon Lines Ltd

abberior STED Workshop: Gentle long-time STED microscopy

Abberior Instruments

Ultra-large field of view super-resolution microscopy

Chip NanoImaging

Holotomography and its X-tra way of doing label-free imaging


Advancing quantitative analysis with batch object analysis and AI based segmentation

SVI - Huygens Software

Application driven microscopy - Combining the SPARQ HiLo illuminator with the 'openFrame' platform for innovative, compact and cost-effective optical sectioning

Cairn Research Ltd

Correlative multimodal bioimaging: an holistic approach to investigate biological samples

CrestOptics SpA

Leveraging advanced image analysis using Amira Software AI capabilities for optical image segmentation

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Regenerative medicine and Cell therapy: Maturing your knowledge with Livecyte


17:10 – 18:10
Microscope Performance Monitor with the new FLUOVIEW FV4000


Unlock the potential of your microscopy data using fast and big data capable AI Segmentation in Imaris

Oxford Instruments Andor

Performing ISM-FLIM with Luminosa`s PDA-23 detection add-on


Two simultaneous system demos: all-new AxL Cleared Tissue LightSheet (ASLM for ultrafast imaging of cleared specimens) and Marianas with Vector3 (spinning TIRF and photomanipulation)

3i - Intelligent Imaging Innovations

Intelligent Imaging Redefined: Dive into MI-SIM’s Advanced, Smart Super-Resolution World

CSR Biotech

Everything Extra-cellular Vesicles! – Harness the power of ONi super-resolution expertise to characterise your EV’s with ease


Fast and deep confocal imaging with Line REscan NL5+ B.V

Dynamics in Life: Analyse large 4D datasets seamlessly with ZEISS arivis Cloud

Carl Zeiss Microscopy

How to overcome the high multiplexing barrier

Leica Microsystems

AI-Powered High Content Imaging and Analysis with Nikon's Eclipse Ji

Nikon Europe BV

Next Generation Light Sheet Microscopy: Smart interaction with your Luxendo Light Sheet Microscope


Light sheet microscopy goes LightSpeed: a new era in 3D imaging with UltraMicroscope Blaze™

Miltenyi Biotec

Fluorescence Imaging Optimisation with Virtex Real-Time Experiment Controller in Visiview 6.0 and Integration with Orbital Ring-TIRF Technology

Photon Lines Ltd

abberior STED workshop: Dynamic aberration correction in STED microscopy

Abberior Instruments

Ultra-large field of view super-resolution microscopy

Chip NanoImaging

Holotomography and its X-tra way of doing label-free imaging


Image Quality Control: Automated check for imaging artifacts

SVI - Huygens Software

‘SmartSPIM Light Sheet’ – Rapid volumetric imaging of whole cleared samples using axial sweeping technology.

Cairn Research Ltd

Imaging-based spatial -omics: merging Spinning Disk Confocal and SIM technologies from tissue to single cell level

CrestOptics SpA

Proliferate, Invade, Metastasise: Understanding the cancer cell journey with Livecyte


Know, measure and monitor the performance of your fluorescence microscopes


Thursday 6 June
14:30 – 15:30
The new FLUOVIEW FV4000 laser scanning microscope


Unlock the potential of your microscopy data using fast and big data capable AI Segmentation in Imaris

Oxford Instruments Andor

Pushing Boundaries in FLIM to Enhance Efficiency, Quality and Reproducibility


Two simultaneous system demos: all-new AxL Cleared Tissue LightSheet (ASLM for ultrafast imaging of cleared specimens) and Marianas with Vector3 (spinning TIRF and photomanipulation)

3i - Intelligent Imaging Innovations

Enhanced and Easy way to perform simultaneous multi-color SMLM on Abbelight SAFe imaging platform


Are you ready to begin your dSTORM journey? An introduction to the Nanoimager and the dSTORM Training Kit


Cell-friendly profound 3D super resolution confocal imaging with Point REscan GAIA B.V

Dynamics in Life: The ZEISS Lattice SIM family for Super-resolution across scales

Carl Zeiss Microscopy

How to overcome the high multiplexing barrier

Leica Microsystems

Discover the power of AX versatility with its newly developed laser solutions!

Nikon Europe BV

Next Generation Light Sheet Microscopy: Smart interaction with your Luxendo Light Sheet Microscope


Light sheet microscopy goes LightSpeed: a new era in 3D imaging with UltraMicroscope Blaze™

Miltenyi Biotec

Aurox Unity: your go-to Desktop Confocal Microscope

Photon Lines Ltd

abberior STED Workshop: Gentle long-time STED microscopy

Abberior Instruments

Ultra-large field of view super-resolution microscopy

Chip NanoImaging

Holotomography and its X-tra way of doing label-free imaging


Advancing quantitative analysis with batch object analysis and AI based segmentation

SVI - Huygens Software

'openFrame PRIMO' - Designing and building custom microenvironments for cells through photopatterning

Cairn Research Ltd

Imaging-based spatial -omics: merging Spinning Disk Confocal and SIM technologies from tissue to single cell level

CrestOptics SpA

Amira software for light microscopy image analysis

Thermo Fisher Scientific

To serve and protect: T-cell killing assays with Livecyte, a kinder insight into immune-cell policing


Know, measure and monitor the performance of your fluorescence microscopes


15:40 – 16:40
Microscope Performance Monitor with the new FLUOVIEW FV4000


From Factory to Field: An Introduction to Andor’s Microscope Quality Control Program for Guaranteed Performance and Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

Oxford Instruments Andor

Monitoring of dynamic processes: An easy and reliable way to perform single molecule FRET and FCS measurements


Two simultaneous system demos: all-new AxL Cleared Tissue LightSheet (ASLM for ultrafast imaging of cleared specimens) and Marianas with Vector3 (spinning TIRF and photomanipulation)

3i - Intelligent Imaging Innovations

High Fidelity, High Clarity: Optimize Your Fluorescence Images with MicroscopeX FINER

CSR Biotech

From Basics to brilliance. Using the ONi Nanoimager with the Discovery Kit: dSTORM in cells – The ultimate kit to prepare your samples for super-resolution with ease.


Fast and deep confocal imaging with Line REscan NL5+ B.V

Dynamics in Life: Reveal & visualize molecular behaviour and interactions effortlessly

Carl Zeiss Microscopy

Artificial intelligence, laser microdissection and high-resolution imaging workflows for spatial omics

Leica Microsystems

AI-Powered High Content Imaging and Analysis with Nikon's Eclipse Ji.

Nikon Europe BV

The ACQUIFER IM – versatile scripting opportunities for smart microscopy applications


Light sheet microscopy goes LightSpeed: a new era in 3D imaging with UltraMicroscope Blaze™

Miltenyi Biotec

Fluorescence Imaging Optimisation with Virtex Real-Time Experiment Controller in Visiview 6.0 and Integration with Orbital Ring-TIRF Technology

Photon Lines Ltd

abberior STED workshop: Dynamic aberration correction in STED microscopy

Abberior Instruments

Ultra-large field of view super-resolution microscopy

Chip NanoImaging

Holotomography and its X-tra way of doing label-free imaging


Image Quality Control: Automated check for imaging artifacts

SVI - Huygens Software

Application driven microscopy - Combining the SPARQ HiLo illuminator with the 'openFrame' platform for innovative, compact and cost-effective optical sectioning

Cairn Research Ltd

Correlative multimodal bioimaging: an holistic approach to investigate biological samples

CrestOptics SpA

Leveraging advanced image analysis using Amira Software AI capabilities for optical image segmentation

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Regenerative medicine and Cell therapy: Maturing your knowledge with Livecyte


Imaging workflows in OMERO


17:10 – 18:10
Enhancing Imaging Core Facility Efficiency- Introducing the Evident Scientific VS200 Slide Scanner


Dragonfly 600: From single molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) to large sample imaging

Oxford Instruments Andor

Performing ISM-FLIM with Luminosa`s PDA-23 detection add-on


Two simultaneous system demos: all-new AxL Cleared Tissue LightSheet (ASLM for ultrafast imaging of cleared specimens) and Marianas with Vector3 (spinning TIRF and photomanipulation)

3i - Intelligent Imaging Innovations

Reliable 2D and Ultimate 3D SMLM cell imaging demonstrated on Abbelight’s SAFe imaging platform


Everything Extra-Cellular Vesicles! – Harness the power of ONi super-resolution expertise to characterise your EV’s with ease


Cell-friendly profound 3D super resolution confocal imaging with Point REscan GAIA B.V

Dynamics in Life: Analyse large 4D datasets seamlessly with ZEISS arivis Cloud

Carl Zeiss Microscopy

TauSTED Xtend – New tools for gentle live imaging at remarkable nanoscale

Leica Microsystems

Super-resolution imaging has never been so easy

Nikon Europe BV

Expanding SMLM to the third dimension with the Bruker Vutara VXL System


Light sheet microscopy goes LightSpeed: a new era in 3D imaging with UltraMicroscope Blaze™

Miltenyi Biotec

The MPX microscope: A turn-key and versatile multimodal multiphoton platform with a 360-frontend and fully integrated fs laser

Photon Lines Ltd

abberior STED Workshop: Gentle long-time STED microscopy

Abberior Instruments

Ultra-large field of view super-resolution microscopy

Chip NanoImaging

Holotomography and its X-tra way of doing label-free imaging


Advancing quantitative analysis with batch object analysis and AI based segmentation

SVI - Huygens Software

‘SmartSPIM Light Sheet’ – Rapid volumetric imaging of whole cleared samples using axial sweeping technology.

Cairn Research Ltd

From cells to organs with spinning disk confocal and SIM super-resolution imaging across scales

CrestOptics SpA

Proliferate, Invade, Metastasise: Understanding the cancer cell journey with Livecyte


Know, measure and monitor the performance of your fluorescence microscopes