How to book workshop sessions

Follow the link below to access the workshop booking page. Please login using the email address you used to register for elmi2024.

To add workshops to your booking click on the 'My sessions' button (illustrated below).

Workshop booking example 01

There are six workshop session time slots in total, three on each day (Wednesday 5 and Thursday 6 June). The sessions are at 14:30, 15:40, and 17:10 on each day.

You can choose one workshop for each of the six time slots.

You will notice on the workshop bookings page that there are two tabs, one for each day, and once you have selected your Wednesday workshops you will need to click on 'Thursday' to select workshops for that day (illustrated below).

Workshop booking example 02

You can filter by exhibitor by selecting from the 'Categories' list (illustrated above). If you want to see just the elmi community room workshops you can also use this filter.

Once you have chosen your workshops please click on the 'Save/Book sessions' button.

The deadline for booking is 21 May 2024.

You may log back in and amend your selections, subject to availability, at any point before this date.

If you have any questions about the workshop booking process please contact Alessandra Reni.