Submission Guidelines

Submission guidelines for elmi2024

* Submitters will be notified if their abstract has been successful by mid-March 2024

All submissions should be made through Oxford Abstracts:

[Company Workshop Abstracts - exhibitors wishing to submit their workshop abstracts should follow this link:]

The extended deadline for abstract submissions is 23:59 GMT, Sunday 18 February 2024

Abstracts must contain original data and meet international ethical standards.

Authors may submit abstracts for either oral or poster presentations. Authors may also submit more than one abstract.

Abstracts are to be limited to a minimum of 100 words and a maximum of 1000 words including spaces. You may include supporting figures and tables and your abstract must contain adequate information to allow a sound referee review.

Abstracts should be a condensed version of the final presentation and include all significant findings.  The text should be written so that readers who are not specialists will be able to appreciate the purpose of the study and understand the procedures and conclusions. The text, entirely written in English, must include a short introduction and motivation of the study, including experimental procedures, main results and conclusions.

Abstracts should be structured as follows (please note you do not need to use the headings below in you abstract text):

  • Summary - Brief description of the project/case study.
  • Introduction - Includes the background, aim and/or objectives, and importance of the study.
  • Methods/Materials - Summarises the approach, procedures or steps used in the study.
  • Results and Discussion - Describe the observations or data in an orderly and logical sequence using both text and illustrative materials such as tables, figures. The discussion section should interpret the results and connect the key points or findings of the study with the objectives stated in the introduction.
  • Conclusion - highlight the significant findings and outcomes.

All sections on this form should be completed:

  • Abstract Title
  • All authors’ and co-authors’ names and affiliations
  • Contact Information (name, affiliation/institution, email address)
  • Type of presentation (oral or poster presentation)
  • Subject Area / Session to submit to
  • Detailed information with introduction, methods, results and conclusions

Abstracts will be reviewed according to the following criteria: (a) relevance to a specific symposium or keyword, (b) scientific content, quality and innovative proposals, (c) clarity of the text.

Accepted non-invited abstracts must be presented by an author who is registered and has paid to attend the conference. Failure to register for the conference by 9 April 2024 will result in your work being excluded from the meeting.

Revisions of abstracts for oral and poster presentations can be made until Friday 1 February 2024.  Please review it carefully before submission.

You may express your preference about the form of presentation, however the Scientific Organising Committee reserves the right to make the final decision.

Abstracts will appear on the online programme on the elmi2024 website. If you do not wish to have your abstract displayed, please ensure you make this selection during the submission process.